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Happy Glass

Happy Glass immerses itself in the adventure of a happy glass. Your task is to draw lines to guide water into the glass, making the glass full and happy again.

Make the cup happy again

Your task is to help the cup fill with water to create a smile. With hundreds of diverse levels, each level offers unique challenges. You will have to draw lines to guide the water from the starting point into the cup. However, be careful and find a way to draw so that water does not leak or flow out of the cup. Your logical and creative thinking will be challenged every time you enter a new level.

Number of challenges to choose from

More than 100 levels with increasing difficulty will challenge your intelligence and creativity. Overcome obstacles such as spikes, bombs, platforms, and many other challenges to complete the mission.

Unlimited game modes

Not only does it have challenging levels, this game also gives you unlimited play modes. You can freely draw and create unique paths to achieve your goals. Show off your creativity and create the best paths to successfully complete the challenge.

Does Happy Glass require an internet connection to play?

Like Slicing All, this game is experienced without an internet connection, which benefits players. You can enjoy the game anytime, anywhere, regardless of whether there is an internet connection or not. This is especially useful when you're on the go, don't have access to Wi-Fi or mobile data, or want to avoid being interrupted by notifications or calls.

When you play this game without an internet connection, you can still enjoy the full single-player experience and try out the exciting levels. Discover how to draw water lines intelligently, change the direction of water flow, and achieve the goal in each level. The game still gives you skills and fun without requiring an internet connection.